Price Cap:
Renewal Fees:
, .net
, .org
), renewal fees may vary based on the registrar’s pricing and prevailing exchange rates..lk
domains, renewal fees will remain fixed as determined by the local registrar.Domain Pricing Details:
Domain Ownership and Transfer:
Premium Domains: This pricing structure does not apply to premium or high-value domains. Such domains may incur higher registration, renewal, and transfer fees.
Refunds and Cancellations:
Service Support Charges:
Currency Fluctuations:
domains, service charges, and handling fees will remain unaffected by such fluctuations.Dispute Resolution: Any disputes related to domain registration, pricing, renewal, or ownership transfer will be handled in accordance with the laws of Sri Lanka.
By proceeding with domain registration, renewal, or transfer, you should agree to these terms and conditions, including the specified fees and charges.